Numeral Systems
The most commonly known system of numerals is the arabic numerals. Undoubtedly, the decimal system is the most popular and widely used in all areas of every person’s daily life. Due to the fact, that each person learns this particular system at school and is taught to use it to deal with all sorts of calculations, makes it the most widespread system. It’s popularity and ability of using it by everyone, may have unintentionally misled to a conclusion, that the decimal system is the simplest numeral system. However, to be precisely comprehended with the principal operations performed by computers, it is a necessity to be familiar with the binary system. It is the binary system that is responsible for all of the calculations performed on the computer. Every freshman student on the Computer Science course needs to acquire the knowledge of the binary system and it’s conversions. This section is a review of the selected numeral systems:
1. Natural Binary Code
2. Signed-Magnitude (S-M)
3. Two’s Complement
4. Hexadecimal System
5. IEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
6. Conversions between numeral systems