Grammatical rules 1 & 2

Grammatical rules 1 & 2 forbid the usage of left recursion. To solve this problem, left recursion has to be exchanged for right recursion.

Rule 1: 

For the given grammar:

A:: = ζ1 | ζ2 | … | ζn

the FIRST sets in sentences, which can be derived from ζi must be separated, i.e.:  

first(ζi) ∩ first(ζj) = ∅ for each i ≠ j

First (ζ) is a set of all the terminal symbols, which can occur at the first position in the sentences derived from ζ. This set can be determined from the following rules:

1. If the first symbol of the argument is a terminal symbol then

first(αζ) = {a}

2. If the first symbol is a non-terminal and the production exists

A::= α1| α2 | … | αn


first(Aζ)=first(α1) ∪ first(α2) ∪… ∪ first(αn)

In example 3 x ∈ first(A) i x ∈ first(B), therefore the first production does not fulfill rule 1. To fulfill rule 1, syntax revision for the language from example 3 has to be performed it is done by extracting the common part “from brackets.” The below grammar is equal to the grammar from example 3 because it generates the same set of sentences:

S :: = C | xS
C :: = y | z

Generally, for a production of a form

A:: = αζ1 | αζ2 | ... | αζn

Left-factoring is applied (extracting the factor from brackets). Production (1) is rewritten as productions (2):

A :: = αA’
A’ :: = ζ1 | ζ2 | ... | ζn

Example : 

Given a grammar:

S :: = Ax
A :: = x | ε

where: ε - empty sequence of symbols  

S | x
Ax | x
xx | x
x | -

Using the production A :: = x instead of A :: = ε. The problem of empty symbol arises, that occurs when there is a possibility to derive an empty sequence of symbols from a non-terminal symbol. To avoid such a situation, the grammatical rule 2 is applied. 

Rule 2: 

For the each symbol A ∈ N, from which an empty symbol can be derived (A →* ε), a set of its FIRST symbols must be separated from the set of symbols, which can follow any sequence derived from A, i.e.

first(A) ∩ follow(A) = ∅

A set follow(A)is determined as follows for each production Pi of a form:


Si means first(ηi); and a set follow(A) is a sum of all sets . If only an empty symbol can be derived from one hi then a set follow(X) must be included into follow(A) also:

first(A) = follow(A) = {x}

If the same pattern of symbols is repeated several times, it is expressed by means of recursive definition of sentence construction. 


A :: = B | AB

generates sentences: B, BB, BBB, …  

first(B) ∩ first(AB) = first (B) ≠ ∅

While production:

A:: = ε | AB

generates sentences ε, B, BB, BBB, .... According to rule 1, their usage is forbidden, because:

first(A) = first(B)

and therefore:

first(A) ∩ follow(A) = first (B) ≠ ∅

In both considered productions, left recursion occurs.