Language definition

In formal languages, we encounter the term symbol which is the basic element of a dictionary. Dictionary is the basis of every language. It is the feature of every language that certain sequences of words are recognised as correct, and others as incorrect. A correct sequence of words is called                 a sentence. The decision on the correctness of a sentence is made based on grammar, that is the structure of language (syntax). Syntax is composed of rules and laws that define a set of formally correct sentences. A set of rules that allows to determine whether a certain set of words is called syntax or semantics. It is noteworthy that syntax and semantics are closely related to each other. Formal language is a subset of a set of finite strings consisting of elements of a finite set called the alphabet.


<sentence> ::= <objective> <predicate>
<objective>::= flowers | stars
<predicate>::= bloom | shine

Sentences that can be constructed from this formal grammar: flowers bloom, stars shine, stars bloom, flowers shine.

 In the formal language defined by the grammar from example 1, the sentence consists of a subject and a predicate that follows it. Subject is the words stars or the word flowers, whereas predicate is the word bloom or the word shine. Syntax determines the correct structures of sentences, however, it does not deal with their meaning, that is their semantics. The last two sentences are grammatically correct, however, their semantics is incorrect.