help - is used to access the information and help file from a MS-DOS prompt.
Examples: "dir -help" or "dir /?"

dir - allows you to see the available files in the current and or parent directories.
Examples: /p - displays one screen of the listing at a time, /w - displays the listing in wide format

cd - (Change Directory) is a command used to switch directories in MS-DOS.
Examples: cd [drive] [path], cd [..]

md - allows you to create your own directories in MS-DOS.
Example: md PUBLIC

copy - allows the user to copy one or more files to an alternate location.
copy [source] [destination], example: copy C:\autoexec.bat C:\PUBLIC

del - deletes specified file.
Examples: del C:\PUBLIC\autoexec.bat, del C:\PUBLIC\*.*

rd - removes empty directory.
Example: rd C:\PUBLIC

rename or ren - changes the name of a file or files.
ren [old filename] [new filename], for example: ren autoexec.bat autoexec.old

copy con - creates textfile.
Example: copy con labor.txt

format - formats the disk in the specified drive to accept MS-DOS files.
Example: format a:

deltree - deletes the tree of directories.
Example: deltree PUBLIC

cls - clears the screen.

find - searches for specific string of text in a file or files.

path - sets a search path for executable files.
Example: path [[drive:]path[;...]]

pause - suspends processing of a batch program and displays a message prompting the user to press any key to continue.

print - prints a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands.

prompt - changes the MS-DOS command prompt.
Example: prompt [text]

tree - graphically displays the directory structure of a path or of the disk in a drive.
Example: echo [on/of]

echo - turns command-echoing feature on or of, or displays a message.
Example: deltree PUBLIC

xcopy - copies files (except hidden and system files) and directories, including subdirectories.